Showing: 1 - 4 of 4 RESULTS

How to Calculate Income Tax in Jamaica

What is Income Tax? Income tax in Jamaica is a tax on the income earned by individuals and businesses. It is based on a progressive system, where those who earn more income pay a higher percentage of tax. The tax …


What is Education Tax in Jamaica?

What is Education Tax? It was the year 1983 and the “powers-at-be” decided to implement what we now call the Education Tax, in an effort to ensure that a pool of funds would be constantly available to assist with the …


What is NHT Tax?

What is NHT? NHT stands for National Housing Trust, which is a government organization established back in the 70s, allegedly with the aim of providing affordable housing to NHT contributors. Who are these contributors? You! As usual, if the government …


What is the NIS in Jamaica?

What Does NIS in Jamaica Mean? NIS in Jamaica means National Insurance Scheme, which is a social security scheme. Social security usually means a government system that provides monetary assistance to the people and these people usually have low to …