Showing: 1 - 6 of 6 RESULTS
Labour Law Salary

Important Legal Terms For Employees

Want to feel empowered and secure in your job? Understanding the important legal terms relating to your job can be the game-changer you need. Think of it like a secret weapon – knowledge that helps you not only protect yourself …


How to Calculate Income Tax in Jamaica

What is Income Tax? Income tax in Jamaica is a tax on the income earned by individuals and businesses. It is based on a progressive system, where those who earn more income pay a higher percentage of tax. The tax …

happy black woman with lots of money

How To Calculate Overtime Pay In Jamaica

What is Overtime? In Jamaica, you are expected to work forty (40) hours for the week, therefore, any second beyond those forty hours is considered overtime (time that you work in addition to your expected work hours). Flexible Work Arrangements …


What is Education Tax in Jamaica?

What is Education Tax? It was the year 1983 and the “powers-at-be” decided to implement what we now call the Education Tax, in an effort to ensure that a pool of funds would be constantly available to assist with the …


What is NHT Tax?

What is NHT? NHT stands for National Housing Trust, which is a government organization established back in the 70s, allegedly with the aim of providing affordable housing to NHT contributors. Who are these contributors? You! As usual, if the government …


What is the NIS in Jamaica?

What Does NIS in Jamaica Mean? NIS in Jamaica means National Insurance Scheme, which is a social security scheme. Social security usually means a government system that provides monetary assistance to the people and these people usually have low to …